Thursday, May 08, 2003

Etymology Of My Blog
The question to the people (if any) who visit my Blog . What is the funda behind the name InSenSpeak ?. There can be more than one obviously.
Put down what you make out of it. By chance if you are unable to figure out my darned commenting stuff, then if you are very enthusiastic, you can send a mail to me at .
A hint, the name has some connection to a famous satirical author and his novels.

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

After A Long Hiatus...

Been really long, no real excuses. Almost forgot about this blog, but after reading Ramanand's and Hirak's blog just now, I also fell like penning down my (a)musings . Has been an interesting time both the personal and professional front. Lot of things floating around in the mind. In total random Brownian motion. So no clear chain of thought.
Just had a 90 minutes conference call wih our client was bored to death by the usual stuff, last 15 minutes spent sparring with him on some design issue.
Winning a verbal argument also gives as much pleasure at times as slam dunking your opponent in WWF.
Putting on weight in the wrong places. Everytime when I go to lunch, reiterate to myself 3 times "TAKE a smaller portion."
Though after some analysis,I think it is the dinner not the lunch which is the major culprit. But it is difficult to cut back on that, as I am in a better frame of mind then after finishing the drudgery of office (no it's not that bad u fool ), say after a hard days work, I feel emancipated in the evenings like to have good food, read , watch TV.
Have to cut back on the food part.
Currently feeling drowsy after lunch, will take a 15 min siesta , then back to .. what else but work .