Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Quizzing Season. VIT Quiz.
Participated in a spate of quizzes recently, after my final year of Engg i.e. 2000 havent been to so many quizzes in such a short span of time, was a exciting experience, nice to interact with so many old buddies of the quizzing circuit. Plus was witness to some emerging talents in Pune quizzing.
Was quite successful in the quizzes, started and ended with a win under my belt. Another notable point was that I took quizzing promiscuity to a new level by having 4 different partners. The first quiz was at VIT , partnered Harish, we had an eminently forgettable experience the last time we went there 2 years back, didnt make it on stage also the quiz quality was not writing home about. This time we were determined, did well in the Elims, had a great time cracking the questions, quite good in quality, best was getting the two smutty Qs, one on Paris Hilton and the other on Jagjiwan Ram's son's peccadilloes. The finals were keenly contested with all teams neck and neck, havent been to a tighter quiz than this, finally managed to ace the quiz by answering the last two questions and clinching the tie-breaker. It was a heady feeling, felt similar to a F-1 driver stepping on the gas in the last lap and vrooming past the others.


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