Friday, January 10, 2003

Annual Resolution Making Ritual

Always like the previous years I thought of having some resolutions. Goes without saying that most of them , dont see the light of the day, literally, as after partying on 31st, the next morning some of them go kaput, like the one I had that I about sleeping 7hr 59min59sec, as I wanted it to be less than 8hrs. This year I thought I should set more realistic smart goals, make them quantifiable and estimatable. Have a mission statement and Vision for the New Year (All this Jargon an unfortunate rubbing off by reading of Management books, as well as a CMM Quality initiative in the company). So for this a major meeting was required between the affected parties. An entusiastic mind which always bites of more than it can chew, and a very practical and somewhat lazy body, ever recalcitrant to any change, full of inertia, but once it catches on to a idea it is the best ally. A perfect embodiment(pun intended) of Newton's First Law. For the non-physical arty-farty types it reads "A body at rest tends to stay at rest and a body in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force or (mind)". So there were a lot of exchange to and forth of ideas. Finally some compromises were reached after prolonged negotiations mostly while driving or at the loo. With the workers(body) threats of strike and lock-out, the management finally relented and gave concessions, but still coerced some tangible benefits out of it.

So the proposed ones and the final list adjoining in curly braces:
1. Do not sleep more than 8hrs a day { Dont sleep more than 8hrs a day for 3 days consecutively } (FYI: Already been broken)
2. Personal grooming i.e. brush teeth and wash face with soap before sleeping . (Still going strong)
3. Eat healthily {Dont overeat more than 3 times a week} (What defines Overeating ? No answer . [A Sceptic]"Unnecessary rambling about specific goals etc blah blah "
4. Augment knowledge {Read something technical atleast 3 times a week for 30 minutes minimum } . [Me] "Answers that sceptic in the previous line."
5. Efficiency at office { Wait atleast every 15min before going to mails/ blogs of friends}
6. Exercise regularly {40 pushups at one stretch by March-end, 30 min non-stop running June-end. Current status 20 push-ups and 15 minutes running}
7. Be regular with the blog { A post every week }

So see you next week, and if you don't then you know another resolution has gone down the drain...


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